This project is to have yet another outlet of creativity, for myself, and for other people in our community of Ventura. I started about 4 weeks ago, this Friday June 26 2009 will be the fifth Monster to go up. Initially, my idea was to just draw a little eyes catching Monster, then to have some kind of quote with it to get humans to think. I then stick these up all over downtown Ventura not permanetly dmaging anything. As time progressed, I made the Monsters more relevant to the quotes. Then I thought it would be nice to get some interaction with other humans that read Your Street Monsters. So I left an email address for humans to send in thier own quotes, and then I would draw a Monster. Slowly but surely, the word is spreading. This Friday, a quote from a local human will be going up with a Monster. Just checked my email, and another human has sent me a quote to go up. Your Street Monster is getting scarier and scarier. I will post the previous Monsters to catch you up, and then individually post each one from here on out, and try and tell a little story about the Monster and hopefully the writer. Please enjoy & spread the word.