Thursday, June 25, 2009

Your Street Monster 5

I am leaving town tomorrow, so I posted up Your Street Monster a day early, but will have some
humans posting more throughout downtown tomorrow as well. This Monster includes a quote from a local who wanted to participate. I feel it is very appropriate for this time in our country. I hope you enjoy. Please help spread the word about Your Street Monster.


  1. I love my monster!!!! Thnx dude!

  2. I am glad you dig. Let us see what your Monster does. Hopefully it does not give anyone a brain aneurysm or swallow them whole. Thanks for sharing Max!

  3. Hey yo fellyo! I LOVE this project. I would like to donate an image or two as well as a quote or two...just to be a part of the Monster United Movement (MUM) cuz we are all MUMs at heart...right? Tugs at our Maternal soul strings...and in life...always follow the string. You never know which tunnel, or onto which hill, or valley, or across what sea that string will lead. YA. HOORAH.
